Tuesday, November 20, 2007

a damper, dapper party

Check out this party I went to in Brooklyn. I didn't know the host - they requested dapper attire. They were all recent college grads with expensive shelving and a plasma television screen. I sat on the couch and took some photos. Note the large collection of alphabetized DVDs.

p.s. I didn't know what dapper meant until I showed up here...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

You thought working class....you thought wrong

This is truly disgusting. New York based, Working Class Magazine, seems to have successfully appropriated the boho look, or at least has proven that the yuppie/hipster has to deny their wealth in order to be respected in NYC.

At least they could have named their magazine something a little less political - I thought hipsters were the antithesis of the proletariat.